Monday, December 3, 2007

Let the blogging begin...

So the world of blogging is reaching adolescence. I remember when the world thought blogging was for people who were too anti-social to have face-to-face conversations. That was a whole what... 6 or 7 years ago?

Now Corporate America is clamoring to get on the train before it's completely left the station. It's not cool to be in high school without reading a solid collection of blogs ranging from ConcreteLoop to Clay Cane; from Kanye's blog to AOL Blackvoices; from The Fashioniste to Hot Music Beat; from to

If it wasn't for the Writer's strike, TV shows like "Gossip Girl" would be the hottest thing since Reality Shows.

Crazy, right?

Anyway... I'm just a lone soul who recently migrated from America's farmland to America's metro-land. No longer am I seeing moose in my front yard; now I see city buses, subways, taxi cabs and pavement. I love it though... it's a beautiful thing to be able to ride a horse one minute, and ride the train the next.

You're going to be getting yet another glimpse at things you might not think about.

Let the blogging begin...

Catch ya.

-The Dark Taste